This C.A.R.E.S.S. Technique document is provided here with permission from Lisa Ferentz. Lisa was recently a guest on the Soul Sessions with Jodie Gale Podcast and she has kindly provided listeners with a copy of her C.A.R.E.S.S. technique.
C.A.R.E.S.S. Technique
I agree that when I get the impulse to engage in my ED behavior, BEFORE I do, I will incorporate one behavior from each category below. (Set and re-set a timer before you begin each section, so you have an external boundary to re-ground you after 10-15 minutes.)
C.A.- Communicate Alternatively (10-15 minutes)
Hurting the body is a way to communicate feelings, thoughts, needs, and unresolved trauma memories/pain. Clients need other, less destructive modalities to communicate.
- Draw/paint the body part you want to “hurt” or draw the purge
- Draw the emotions that accompany the urge to binge/purge/starve
- Make a collage of words/images that capture thoughts/feelings
- Write a poem about your feelings
- Draw an outline of your body and write words on various body parts
- Visualize doing the ED behavior and write about what you think/feel
- Write about what was happening when you felt the urge to self-harm
R.E.- Release Endorphins (10-15 minutes)
Clients feel better after they self-harm because the brain releases endorphins, (naturally occurring opiates), in response to pain/body trauma. Clients need other ways to experience the release of endorphins. (Exercise, laughter, hugging)
- Run up/down the stairs or the periphery of your house/march in place
- Put on the radio and dance
- Listen to a funny comedian on a CD/video
- Watch a funny movie/TV show
- Read something that tickles you
- Hold/ stroke and hug a stuffed animal or live pet
- Hug a pillow, rag doll, or a tree
S.S.-Self-Soothe (10-15 Minutes)
Clients need to learn new strategies that promote self-care and decrease anxiety from future triggering events.
- Wrap in a quilt and rock in rocking chair
- Take a warm shower/bubble bath
- Light scented candles or oil
- Play soothing music
- Read positive affirmations
- Massage hands with soothing lotion
Copyright September 2002, and 2020, Lisa R. Ferentz, LCSW