At Trauma Warriors™, we welcome highly credentialed experts and voices to our online community.
We seek out writers who have a depth of personal and professional experience and expertise in their field.
We love hearing about women’s wellness, self-development, psychological and spiritual growth, healing from trauma and stories of post-traumatic growth. We also publish transformative and powerful personal stories.
What we are looking for
We accept original articles and stories covering the following topics for women
- Anxiety, addiction, co-dependency, depression, early childhood trauma and emotional neglect, transitions, recovery tips and relationships
- Disordered eating, food, weight and body image concerns via a Health at Every Size® and size acceptance lens
- Dreams, poetry, art, creativity, journaling, visualisations and meditations
- Plant-based, vegetarian and wholefood recipes and nutrition via a non-diet and non-weight loss lens.
- Holistic and soul-centred modalities including art, dance and music therapy, Gestalt, Goddess psychology, ecopsychology, feminist psychology, Jungian, Psychosynthesis, somatic and transpersonal psychology.
What we are not looking for
- Hard sells: We reserve the right to delete text and links within the articles if we find them to be overly promotional.
- Work published elsewhere: Work should be your own and not published elsewhere
Ready to Submit?
If you have knowledge or a story to share which will support women on their recovery, self-development and spiritual growth journey, please reach out to us.
- Put the title of your article in the subject line and the full text in the body of the email. Please do not send attachments.
- The word limit recommendation is 700-2000 words.
- Source all health claims: If you mention a study in your article, include a link to the source. Use links to peer-reviewed scientific papers and academic journals. Please put the links in brackets next to the claim.
- Your 150 words or less bio + headshot and links to your website and social accounts in brackets (http://facebook.com/traumawarriors.online).
- Only submit one post at a time. If your post has been accepted, we will respond within 14 days.
- By submitting to Trauma Warriors™ you acknowledge that you accept our terms and any form of editing we make to your piece.
To submit, email us at jodie at jodiegale.com